GUO Jianjun: Dean. Professor in SWUFE, supervisor for master students. Job Responsibilities: Full responsibility for the work of the administration of the School. Email: guojj@swufe.edu.cn.
HUANG Haibo: Secretary of the CPC Branch Committee. Job Responsibilities: Full responsibility for the work of the School Branch Committee. Email: huanghb@swufe.edu.cn.
LU Wanbo: Deputy Dean. Professor in SWUFE, supervisor for PhD students. Job Responsibilities: responsible for postgraduate training, scientific research etc. Email: luwb@swufe.edu.cn
GONG Jinguo: Deputy Dean. Professor in SWUFE, PhD in Economics, Job Responsibilities: responsible for undergraduate training, international exchange etc. Email: jinguogong@swufe.edu.cn.
PENG Xiaorong: Deputy Secretary of the CPC Branch Committee. Job Responsibilities: responsible for Ideological and political education of college students. Email: pengxr@swufe.edu.cn